UC Computer Engineering '23


Technical Skills

Industry: Unity, Virtual Reality, C#, Bitbucket, Trello, JIRA, HTML, CSS
Academic: C++, Linux, Matlab, Python, Digital Design, Network Analysis, Github, AutoCAD, NXIdeas, VCarve Pro, Logisim

Personal Interests

Outside of my technical interests I love listening to music, try new recipes (cooking and baking), taking naps, watching movies of all languages, and dance! Oh, I also co-host a podcast, Redefining ABCD, talking about various experiences I've had as a person with a hyphenated identity. Check it out!

Hi! I'm Keerthi!

Ever since I was able to write autonomous programs for my high school robotics team, software & technology has been my passion. Particularly in industries where multiple disciplines work together to create a product.

This discovery is the reason why I am pursuing my bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Cincinnati. To continue my passion for tech & problem solving, I joined clubs and organizations on campus and co-oped in different places to get out of my comfort zone and learn new skills. Whether it be management tasks and organizing prototype timelines for the team, conducting technical reviews, writing postprocessing scripts in python to help read data, or even collaborating with technical artists to create a VR training application, my fascination continues to grow as I learn how software empowers every industry it touches.

My current skills I have indulged in from industry experience and campus activities have shown me I still have so much more to learn and I am grateful to be exposed to the world of software and hardware.